Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome to Time To Drink

      Okay so i’m going to cut out all the typical “this will be the best blog in the world...we will stop hunger in Africa...etc” There is no need to feed you bullshit i’m not running for the Mrs America pageant.  No offense to them though!! In fact if any of you know a contestant please send them my way. In regards to this very important topic a quick side note...I have a friend that will take one for the team so if she gives you that "only if he has someone for my less then average friend she's really nice I promise!" line don't worry that is not a problem...
     Anyway this blog is basically just two college students that like to experiment with alcohol and mix random stuff to make great mixtures. We figured its time to put some of those mixtures up on the Internet as well as make you guys aware of many other drinks that you have not heard of yet ranging from dirt cheap to expensive. This blog will cover anything alcohol related including reviews, hangover remedies and drinking games(other then beer pong come on guys its getting old). We will even throw in a section for a random list of songs that you may have forgotten about or never heard of since A) they are fairly new or B) you live under a f*&#ing rock. Anyway stay posted for the 1st mixed drink recipe... ill give you a hint its going to be something infused in vodka.

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